We've been waiting for you! It's true, because we believe that every person who comes into this Circle of Family was brought here by Spirit, by whatever name you may call that presence. It's not by accident that we have the joy of meeting you. So, above all else we want to express the power of love to you with genuine, heartfelt warmth. We're eager to know you, and we're excited to share with you the marvelous ways Spiritual connection works through ancient life affirming celebration.
It won't take you long to discover that this is truly a family, rich in relationships. Growing together, we connect with All Our Relations on multiple dimensions of reality, we serve, we laugh, we cry, we learn, and we co-create reality in life transforming truth. We reach out to you, as well. Our hearts are open. Our events are open, as well. If you've been thinking, praying, searching, and yearning for a sense of belonging, we say again...
OUR HISTORY... Our spiritual community springs from a rich tradition of commitment to prayer and spiritual growth, to studying, and to healing the world and self through learning and experiencing spiritual philosophy, rituals and nature based values. The foundation of this commitment was born from a dream centuries old that the Apache tlish diyan held safely within their tradition. This living life belief system/philosophy is not born of one people, clan, race, or religion, but speaks to all of Humanity as an approach to living focus that incorporates spirituality into everyday life, not as a theory, but as a reality.
OUR MISSION... Today we work to assist people, regardless of their background, in their quest for greater understanding of who they are and their relationships with Spirit and Nature. All teachings and events are grounded in our name... Yracébûrû EarthWisdom - which speaks of the indigenous belief that we must extend our family systems to include our good mother, the Earth, and that each relationships is an act of responsibility to ourselves and future generations... enlivened by personal experience, and tested by reason. Along with all spiritual belief systems, we believe in a power greater than self - expressed as partnership in co-creative, life affirming connection.
Yracébûrû EarthWisdom is universal. All persons, regardless of race, color, national origin, status, gender, or economic condition, are welcome to attend our functions, receive support, and be recognized as go-tah, family.
OUR BELIEFS... The heart of our faith is the indigenous prophecies of these changing times, and forward movement in an energetic paradym of unconditional love. We are all called to service as we heal ourselves and so too heal the world reality. We believe in compassion, tolerance, generosity and unconditional love, as tools available for a promising future unto the Seven Generations ahead. In times of chaos, we assert that the energy of these tools can transmute and reveal a positive path of action beneficial to all. We are spirits brought into life to experience and learn. We are present and future reality.
We have a history of caring about and working to create harmonious balance for All Our Relations. It all started centuries ago, even before the Apache Dreamer Nochaydelklinne brought forth the prophecies of the Fifth World of Peace. With the legends of evolution, we have been shown that the Shadow of Fear is an illusion that breeds chaos within our daily lives, and once we have reached the realization of this fact, the tools to move beyond this illusion avail themselves to us.
During this time, our hearts lead us to build global community. We create events of experience that speak to more than the mind. We are connected by a system that guides our work and governs our actions. We recognize leadership through life example. In the tradition of the tlish diyan, we study our natural connection, encourage experiential situations, and share within our Talking Circles. We walk our path with our heart, keep our minds open, and welcome everyone.
We say to everyone that you are accepted and loved, and invite you to join with us in the Spirit of Family.