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Welcome!We've been waiting for you! It's true, because we believe that every person who comes into this Circle of Family was brought here by Spirit, by whatever name you may call that presence. It's not by accident that we have the joy of meeting you. So, above all else we want to express the power of love to you with genuine, heartfelt warmth. We're eager to know you, and we're excited to share with you the marvelous ways Spiritual connection works through ancient life affirming celebration.
It won't take you long to discover that this is truly a family, rich in relationships. Growing together, we connect with All Our Relations on multiple dimensions of reality, we serve, we laugh, we cry, we learn, and we co-create reality in life transforming truth. We reach out to you, as well. Our hearts are open. Our events are open, as well. If you've been thinking, praying, searching, and yearning for a sense of belonging, we say again... Welcome! |
Yracébûrû EarthWisdom
Mailing Address: 1672 Main St. #E244 Ramona, CA 92065 Follow Us: |