- Customized Healing Tablet
Customized Healing Tablet
SHE'S PAINTING AGAIN! Now you can own one of shima's custom dreamed, just for you, Healing Tablets!
Watch the youtube video of the originals from 2004-2007, with song by Sharon Burch
https://youtu.be/7KYzg1Pp0kw?si=D-ceIGKGd61rfoJV (we tried to embed it but it didn't work!)
4-6 weeks to dream and paint… then we ship.
In August 2004, Maria Yraceburu was struck by lightning. With this she began her Initiation as Evolution's Dreamer, according to the ways of the Q'ero Inkan and Quero Apache. Elders watch over her, guide her, pray with her, and listen to the messages she is given.
One of the things that happened when Maria began this process involved a lot of physical body pain. With this pain came images, stories and general messages. She began channeling her great Grandmother Naylin Lage, mother of Ten Bears and wife of Massai, also a lightning = Klo-hada = healer, by nature of having been struck by lightning as well.
With the images it happened that Maria began facilitating healing for individuals in the ancient sandpainting ways of her great great Grandfather White Cloud, father of Massai. As she painted and envisions and dreamed with the benefactors of the paintings, she also began to recognize in the dream that she would visualize each individual in several areas of the world. By the second painting she realized she was grounding three points of reference on the worlds magnetic ley lines. With this she became a weaver like her Grandmother Spotted Fawn, wife of Ten Bears.
As she writes the story of her lightning journey in Evolution's Dreamer, bringing forth the messages of this prophetic time, she continues to ground the world in her vision and unparalleled capacity for love. We invite you to share in this double helix ozone grounding by visiting the galleries to the right, and journeying with the tablet that attracts you. Of course, we are also excited if you decide you would like to be the subject/benefactor of one of these amazingly healing, Sacred Tablets.
Thank you for being our family!
ukehi shi'gotah.
"…tapestry of dreams, of the known and unknown, of passing life's delicacy in harmony with the earth's permanency. I see the glorious gift of divine love brought forth from the stillness of time."
Kilpaka Ontai
Hawaiian Kahuna, builder of sacred temples