5 Insights to physical health
I became a traditional healer partly out of necessity, but mostly because I had a undying need to understand the bodies en-ate healing ability. I needed to understand how my ancestors and other indigenous peoples natural healing ways could co-faciliate healing with in my body. My body rejected the ways of modern medicine. I found, I was only putting a bandage on the symptoms instead of going to the root of the problem.
In treating my body through modern medicine, I never gave my body a chance to work its own magic. I was given medication that my body could not brake down or assimilate. I only grew immune to that dose. Each time I got sick the dose would have to be raised, adding more junk to my already compromised system.
I realized I did not know how to read the signs my body was trying to tell me. That it was being compromised, mentally physically, spiritually and emotionally. I also realized that each of these bodies had a tremendous effect of the other and the overall health of my body.
It was then that my ancestors shared 5 precursors or insights that would effect the physical health of the body. If one or more of these insights were compromised it would open the door way for Dis-ease to enter. Dis-ease starts out side of our body, the doorways are the weak link or an energetic thin spot in our body that makes it difficult to protect any incoming energies that do not serve us.
Ancestors showed me how to read the signs my body was telling me. Most of the I could see in my hands in one way or another. Some of the signs change daily.
* The first insight - Energy in motion = Health and vitality.
If your energy in life is balanced and running smoothly your palms will be a nice healthy pink color. You will gave a optimistic out look and a vital life force.
If your palms are red - There is a increase or excess of energy running in your body.
You my be burning the candle at both ends. All ways on the go. You might have a bit of a temper or anger problem. Or there may be a part of your body that is inflamed.
If your palms are yellow - There maybe some bitterness in your life. Holding a grudge or have ill will towards someone. You might be jaundice a condition\ dis-ease caused by deposition of bile pigment, that causes the skin, tissues, and body fluids to turn yellow. Or you may like to eat a lot of carrots.
If your palms or the lines are brown - You maybe suffering from depression of have a unforgiving attitude. This is usually a chronic situation.
White palms - The energy in your body is not moving. You may fell congested, lifeless, apathy and unmotivated. You may notice that other parts of your body are sensitive to the touch as well.
If your palms are modeled - You have been dehydrated for a very long time and are a quart or more low in water. I will give other signs of dehydration in a later insight.
If your palms are blue - You could be cold, self-destructive, isolated or have the blues that day. Physical health, your heart is sluggish and is having a hard time pumping and circulating the blood though out the body.
* Second Insight the power of thought = Feeding the cellar knowing.
The power of thought can make or brake who we are in life. Every thought adds to the overall health of our body positively or negatively. The cellar knowing is very impressionable and responds to thoughts in the moment. If our thoughts from the time we get up to the time we go to bed are negative in any way we are re-enforcing weakness and dis-ease. If we are positive and grateful for every part of our lives all the lessons and experiences, even if they may be a bit hard to handle. We are creating positive flow and a picture of health mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally for the body.
The power of thought can be seen in the hand. More importantly it can be seen in our over all attitude and meaner in the way we carry our selves in life.
* Third Insight - Power of emotion
Our emotions play a tremendous part of our over all health and can effect any part of our body. The root emotion is love. If you have everything in life except love , you have nothing. If you have nothing in life but the ability to open your heart to give and receive love; as well as, love for your self, you are rich with life and will probley live a long life.
If you experience heart pain, low\ high blood pressure, indigestion \ acid reflux or difficulty taking in the breath of life. If you suffer from depression, a broken heart \\ heart pain, anxiety or fear and do not have a connection with your little kid with in. You may need to do a check in and see how love is playing out in your life.
* Fourth Insight - Power of Spiritual connection = You are not a lone
With Spirit in our life we are never alone. Knowing that there is someone out there who is bigger than ourselves - Someone that will give us guidance, talk with us, walk with us, hold us and even carry us if we need takes a big weight off our shoulders. All we have to do is ASK! It helps the connection if we can dedicate time daily to nurture tis relationship and be grateful for our life the lessons and experiences that we have been given. Spirit gives the courage to forgive our selves and others. Release judgement, criticisms and situations which no longer serves us.
if you are experiencing a feeling of disconnection, bronchitis ,colds, flu, vertigo, dizziness, emotional, nervous breakdown or feel depressed and all alone. Where is Spirit in your life and when is the last time you connected?
*Fifth Insight - Power of Self Nurturence = Self Love
This insight comes in many different ways. It asks how you care for yourself on every level of your being? This insight reefers to how you take care of your self mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
Do you take 20 minutes a day to your self to pray, mediate and connect?
Do you put yourself and your needs before others, ever, or do you all ways put everybody's else needs first, darning all energy that you may have in reserve for you by giving, giving, giving.
When do you give your body nourishment? Do you eat within a hour or two of waking or do you grab something on the go, while running out the door. Are you eating at least three square meals a day. Or may be five little meals a day. This point is that you are eating consistently for your body. If your eating is not consistent for your bodies needs and are on the go while eating you are opening the door for drastic blood sugar drops. When blood sugar drops you are putting unnecessary stress on all systems in your body.
What kind of sustenance are you putting in your body? Are you eating a lot of processed ,refined foods, or fried foods? Do you eat at fast foods places or restaurants more than once a week? Do you read labels? Can you pronounce the ingredients on the package?
Did you know that eating products that say non-fat, fat free or diet i.e.: Non fat yogurt, butter (margarine), fat free dressing and diet drinks just to name a few, has more chemicals and junk added to it that makes it more difficult for your body to brake down and assimilate. It adds urn do stress to a all ready taxed system.
Our body gives us a lot of signs when we eat something that does not quite agree with us or are allegoric to. You may notice a increase in mucus, itchy throat, indigestion, sick to stomach, head aches, rashes and in sever cases antiflaxic shock (throat shots down and can't breath.) The body also gives a clue to long standing allergies, as well, like migraines arthritic, asthma, hyper-activity, low energy, diarrhea or constipation, serious depression, Alzheimer's, mood swings and hot flashes.
It is highly beneficial for our bodies to be aware of the kind and type of food we put in our body. To sit for each meal aids in the digestion process. And to be grateful for all our relations that have sacrificed , so we may be sustained.
The last part of this insight and in my humble opinion the biggy is your water intake. How much clean filtered water do you drink a day?I ask this question a lot to my clients. A lot of times I hear A LOT! What is a lot ? The water ratio that I use is: If you are healthy and you are maintaining and sustaining your bodies needs, you need a half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 100 pounds, half that and you will need 50 ounces of clean water a day. If you are detecting or are sick you need to drink your body weight in ounces. i.e. Body weight 100 pound, you would need 100 ounces of water to flush the dis-ease out of your body. Water is the only thing that counts for water and flushing. If you are drinking pure juice or herbal teas this is natural and does not take away from your water intake. If you are drinking more than one cup - 8 ounces of any caffeinated beverages per day i.e. coffee, diet soda regular soda, colored caffeinated teas ( black, green, red ) takes away from your total intake of water. You will need to drink equal amounts of water to cancel out. Caffeinated beverages are highly dehydrating.
The body gives many signs for dehydration, many of which get confused for other symptoms. Some signs of dehydration are dandruff, dry \ oily skin, acne, hang nails, headaches, mucus, runny nose,dry scratchy throat, coughs, acidic phi, colds, flu, acid indigestion, allergies, heart irregularities, depression. chest pressure, low energy, hot \ cold flashes ulcers, arthritis, minstrel pain, painful joints, constipation and diarrhea. These are a few signs of dehydration. If you think about it our body is made up of 75 - 80% water, so you can see how our body would need to be replenished daily. This is a daily commitment to drink the water that is necessary to maintain our bodies function, something to strive for. However; it is not about beating your self up, if you can't drink your quota.
I have followed these insights and learned the signs to bring my body back to health. I use natural means and tools; such as,herbal essence bags, stones and other holistic ways to bring my body back to health. Needless to say I have not gotten sick in a very long time. – Linda
In treating my body through modern medicine, I never gave my body a chance to work its own magic. I was given medication that my body could not brake down or assimilate. I only grew immune to that dose. Each time I got sick the dose would have to be raised, adding more junk to my already compromised system.
I realized I did not know how to read the signs my body was trying to tell me. That it was being compromised, mentally physically, spiritually and emotionally. I also realized that each of these bodies had a tremendous effect of the other and the overall health of my body.
It was then that my ancestors shared 5 precursors or insights that would effect the physical health of the body. If one or more of these insights were compromised it would open the door way for Dis-ease to enter. Dis-ease starts out side of our body, the doorways are the weak link or an energetic thin spot in our body that makes it difficult to protect any incoming energies that do not serve us.
Ancestors showed me how to read the signs my body was telling me. Most of the I could see in my hands in one way or another. Some of the signs change daily.
* The first insight - Energy in motion = Health and vitality.
If your energy in life is balanced and running smoothly your palms will be a nice healthy pink color. You will gave a optimistic out look and a vital life force.
If your palms are red - There is a increase or excess of energy running in your body.
You my be burning the candle at both ends. All ways on the go. You might have a bit of a temper or anger problem. Or there may be a part of your body that is inflamed.
If your palms are yellow - There maybe some bitterness in your life. Holding a grudge or have ill will towards someone. You might be jaundice a condition\ dis-ease caused by deposition of bile pigment, that causes the skin, tissues, and body fluids to turn yellow. Or you may like to eat a lot of carrots.
If your palms or the lines are brown - You maybe suffering from depression of have a unforgiving attitude. This is usually a chronic situation.
White palms - The energy in your body is not moving. You may fell congested, lifeless, apathy and unmotivated. You may notice that other parts of your body are sensitive to the touch as well.
If your palms are modeled - You have been dehydrated for a very long time and are a quart or more low in water. I will give other signs of dehydration in a later insight.
If your palms are blue - You could be cold, self-destructive, isolated or have the blues that day. Physical health, your heart is sluggish and is having a hard time pumping and circulating the blood though out the body.
* Second Insight the power of thought = Feeding the cellar knowing.
The power of thought can make or brake who we are in life. Every thought adds to the overall health of our body positively or negatively. The cellar knowing is very impressionable and responds to thoughts in the moment. If our thoughts from the time we get up to the time we go to bed are negative in any way we are re-enforcing weakness and dis-ease. If we are positive and grateful for every part of our lives all the lessons and experiences, even if they may be a bit hard to handle. We are creating positive flow and a picture of health mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally for the body.
The power of thought can be seen in the hand. More importantly it can be seen in our over all attitude and meaner in the way we carry our selves in life.
* Third Insight - Power of emotion
Our emotions play a tremendous part of our over all health and can effect any part of our body. The root emotion is love. If you have everything in life except love , you have nothing. If you have nothing in life but the ability to open your heart to give and receive love; as well as, love for your self, you are rich with life and will probley live a long life.
If you experience heart pain, low\ high blood pressure, indigestion \ acid reflux or difficulty taking in the breath of life. If you suffer from depression, a broken heart \\ heart pain, anxiety or fear and do not have a connection with your little kid with in. You may need to do a check in and see how love is playing out in your life.
* Fourth Insight - Power of Spiritual connection = You are not a lone
With Spirit in our life we are never alone. Knowing that there is someone out there who is bigger than ourselves - Someone that will give us guidance, talk with us, walk with us, hold us and even carry us if we need takes a big weight off our shoulders. All we have to do is ASK! It helps the connection if we can dedicate time daily to nurture tis relationship and be grateful for our life the lessons and experiences that we have been given. Spirit gives the courage to forgive our selves and others. Release judgement, criticisms and situations which no longer serves us.
if you are experiencing a feeling of disconnection, bronchitis ,colds, flu, vertigo, dizziness, emotional, nervous breakdown or feel depressed and all alone. Where is Spirit in your life and when is the last time you connected?
*Fifth Insight - Power of Self Nurturence = Self Love
This insight comes in many different ways. It asks how you care for yourself on every level of your being? This insight reefers to how you take care of your self mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
Do you take 20 minutes a day to your self to pray, mediate and connect?
Do you put yourself and your needs before others, ever, or do you all ways put everybody's else needs first, darning all energy that you may have in reserve for you by giving, giving, giving.
When do you give your body nourishment? Do you eat within a hour or two of waking or do you grab something on the go, while running out the door. Are you eating at least three square meals a day. Or may be five little meals a day. This point is that you are eating consistently for your body. If your eating is not consistent for your bodies needs and are on the go while eating you are opening the door for drastic blood sugar drops. When blood sugar drops you are putting unnecessary stress on all systems in your body.
What kind of sustenance are you putting in your body? Are you eating a lot of processed ,refined foods, or fried foods? Do you eat at fast foods places or restaurants more than once a week? Do you read labels? Can you pronounce the ingredients on the package?
Did you know that eating products that say non-fat, fat free or diet i.e.: Non fat yogurt, butter (margarine), fat free dressing and diet drinks just to name a few, has more chemicals and junk added to it that makes it more difficult for your body to brake down and assimilate. It adds urn do stress to a all ready taxed system.
Our body gives us a lot of signs when we eat something that does not quite agree with us or are allegoric to. You may notice a increase in mucus, itchy throat, indigestion, sick to stomach, head aches, rashes and in sever cases antiflaxic shock (throat shots down and can't breath.) The body also gives a clue to long standing allergies, as well, like migraines arthritic, asthma, hyper-activity, low energy, diarrhea or constipation, serious depression, Alzheimer's, mood swings and hot flashes.
It is highly beneficial for our bodies to be aware of the kind and type of food we put in our body. To sit for each meal aids in the digestion process. And to be grateful for all our relations that have sacrificed , so we may be sustained.
The last part of this insight and in my humble opinion the biggy is your water intake. How much clean filtered water do you drink a day?I ask this question a lot to my clients. A lot of times I hear A LOT! What is a lot ? The water ratio that I use is: If you are healthy and you are maintaining and sustaining your bodies needs, you need a half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 100 pounds, half that and you will need 50 ounces of clean water a day. If you are detecting or are sick you need to drink your body weight in ounces. i.e. Body weight 100 pound, you would need 100 ounces of water to flush the dis-ease out of your body. Water is the only thing that counts for water and flushing. If you are drinking pure juice or herbal teas this is natural and does not take away from your water intake. If you are drinking more than one cup - 8 ounces of any caffeinated beverages per day i.e. coffee, diet soda regular soda, colored caffeinated teas ( black, green, red ) takes away from your total intake of water. You will need to drink equal amounts of water to cancel out. Caffeinated beverages are highly dehydrating.
The body gives many signs for dehydration, many of which get confused for other symptoms. Some signs of dehydration are dandruff, dry \ oily skin, acne, hang nails, headaches, mucus, runny nose,dry scratchy throat, coughs, acidic phi, colds, flu, acid indigestion, allergies, heart irregularities, depression. chest pressure, low energy, hot \ cold flashes ulcers, arthritis, minstrel pain, painful joints, constipation and diarrhea. These are a few signs of dehydration. If you think about it our body is made up of 75 - 80% water, so you can see how our body would need to be replenished daily. This is a daily commitment to drink the water that is necessary to maintain our bodies function, something to strive for. However; it is not about beating your self up, if you can't drink your quota.
I have followed these insights and learned the signs to bring my body back to health. I use natural means and tools; such as,herbal essence bags, stones and other holistic ways to bring my body back to health. Needless to say I have not gotten sick in a very long time. – Linda