Life Rites
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Baby Naming & Blessing
You influence the world by the choices you make raising your child. A Baby Naming and Blessing Ceremony brings family and community together to raise the child to the four directions, breath love into the open crown, and commit together to support this child's life and you as the caretakers of the future. This Rite, takes place ideally, about 20 days after a child's birth to guarantee strength and health in life. The spiritual name given is believed to carry special powers and protection, which will help the individual in their evolutionary process. |
Girls' Moon Quest & Coming Out
Could the tiny little girl be so grown up? The Girls Coming Out Ceremony marks a time when a girl reaches a new and significant change in her life. An elaborate ceremony is held from which every member of the attending community is believed to benefit. This ceremony is a splendid, meaningful and holy event that passes on knowledge of one's own self and value, physical strength, and even temperament, prosperity, and a sound and healthy life. |
Wedding Ceremony -
Simple, natural, loving. The bonding ceremonies we do are licensed, but conducted in very earth oriented fashion. From Apache to Hawaiian, memories are made that... well, are never lost. A compelling ceremony in which the bonding of a couple, or individual with their Spiritual Guide, symbolizes the merging of the Sacred Parents in a life affirming and empowering ritual that bestows blessings and life instruction on all involved. 2 days in duration, beginning evening before actual bonding. |
Elder's Honoring –
This Rite of Passage is held to honor those who have passed the Age of Fire, 9 x 7 (63), or beyond, and are stepping into their empowerment as wisdom teachers of the family and community. Sifting through time -- and earth -- under the relentless life process, we honor those that have explored their endless potential. The stories from the individuals being honored and those gathered in circle, bring new light and love to heart. |
Crossover - Funeral
Releasing the soul to move forward. Death in this instant can be physical or shamanic. Death, in the our tradition is a vital part of the flow of life. In today's society, too many have been taught to ignore the inevitability of death, compartmentalizing it in an effort to remove it from thought and emotion. This ritual eases the transition of the person crossing, celebrating their life, and allowing friends and family grieving to legitimize feelings through a process of feeling, talking, understanding and releasing. |
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