It means living life by the 4 main concepts of il'jooni, lanakaí, haquiñi, and k'e. These are ideals that have been taught and passed down for countless generations in the Yracébûrû family. They are the foundational beliefs in my life, and how I’ve chosen to live it, as well the basis of the work I do with the people that come to me for help and guidance.
All the work done is contained, and supported, within the Living Life Belief Philosophy of the Apache tlish diyan. From the body, mind and spiritual practices, with the help of my Elders, I have formed them into a contemporary system that I call SpiralDancing Life… a traditional lifestyle in contemporary time.
IL'JOONI il'jooni is about the love from the Earth Mother, the true unconditional source of support and relationship. From here, it moves into echicasay… All My Relations… understanding the truth of Oneness.
I have come from the Earth Mother I have come from the Sky Father I have come into this Circle to be all that I can be I am All My Relations This is my prayer and I am grateful And so it is…
K'E k'e is to "put right"… or balance life. This is building upon the energy of haquiñi, doing the work that balances, aligns and harmonizes all life, providing a life affirming future for ourselves and generations to come. "Unto the 7 Generations" is a statement used in Native American that encourages us to consider all these lives when making our decisions. Integrity lies at the heart of everything, and personal integrity is the only thing we, as humans, actually own.
LANAKAI lanakai is about living in as One with self, family, community, All Our Relations. It is also about unification.
lanakai, in its simplest form, is to live in a way that engages with all entities as Self.
“And Creator said… 'When the signs are right, Children of the Four Directions, come together, and make my heart whole again.'” – Apache Prophecy
HAQUINI haquiñi is to live with confidence and humility simultaneously. We come to understand through our internal work of healing that we are capable of what we are given to do - this produces confidence; while living humble lives because we understand that in doing what we are given to do, we also never have to do it alone. We are always provided what we need to attend to business. haquiñi is empowerment.