Reconnecting with Mother Earth?
June's Moon Lodge will be on the 8th! There are times when you just need to surround yourself with womyn
to remember who you truly are… an empowered Daughter of Earth. Formed from an ancient practice of women gathering in moon lodge, being sounding boards, staging initiations, and monthly… honoring Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon as our source of strength, healing and identity. Rites of Passage form the basis for our Year of Transmutation November 1, 2024 - October 31, 2025 Maria will transport you through powerful and unique rituals that were the foundation of life transition and celebration. She will help you navigate the maturation of Self, for your journey into haquini… empowerment. |
UpComing Lodges…
General Admission
Registered SpiralDancer or Alumni
Yraceburu EarthWisdom relies on volunteerism and charitable contributions to make ends meet.
Given our costs and the number of people we serve, our requested charitable contribution thresholds
reflect the minimum amounts we must receive to break even.