Leadership Legacy
Yracébûrû EarthWisdom's leadership structure can be demonstrated in our tutuskya – traditional medicine wheel design.
The concept is based on tutuskya, the extended family system, and outlines the various components of this system and how each must function together for a successful environment.
The concept is based on tutuskya, the extended family system, and outlines the various components of this system and how each must function together for a successful environment.
The shimas are Maria and Linda Yracébûrû. These two womyn work together and coordinate daily life from the Ranch in Ramona. They are Holy Auntys, our church heart. In every traditional family there are the Clan Mothers fo grounded connection to the ways of Earth Mother. The shimas align us in the flow of life with the planet. The shimas bring new opportunities to light within the community, developing programs and maintaining the Ranch, as well as serving as healing consultant to provide optimum space for the health of community members.
The dá'iolzhish are the Dancers who implement and study our ways of life. They are the stone steps in the Wheel, the element that revolves all within the community. The dá'ilzhish includes the nzhoogo natsikees (wise councils), goch'tal'edotal (curing magicians), godiyihgo nagoldi'e (those who tell of holiness), and 'ágodzaahí (storytellers). The gótah are those we serve.
The gótah are held within the calm of the Hub of tutuskya. They are community members, the extended family, all those who benefit from our various offerings. The Hub is the origin of iljooni'ni… the Way of Love for life.
The akicita are the guardians-donors-sponsors, who provide support for our work. They are the playing field, which nourishes life in the gótah allowing all to grow and nurture ourselves and future generations. The generosity of partner organizations sustain the life of Yraceburu EarthWisdom Foundation. |
Every aspect of the Wheel is needed to successfully raise consciousness just as every individual is important for the success of the Community. The gotah is a cycle within a cycle, each part strengthening our connection to Earth, Spirit, and each other.
I walk the same steps as my ancestors, Nochadelklinne, Naylin Lagé, and Grandfather… only the frequency of time has changed.