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Do you feel the call?
Do you want to bring more BodyWisdom to your health?
Are you willing to connect simply your body, mind and spirit, to create a sacred, healing, space for your life? BodyWisdom training is for anyone who is ready to access their own health as a way to serve your family, community and the world. You don’t have to want to be a healer or have any experience to learn BodyWisdom techniques. If you believe you you carry a vital role in how your health is, I welcome you to join our Family! |
13 Vortexes
BodyWisdom Monthly Healing Circle
Registers August 15 - October 15th each year Meets Once a Month on the 4th Sunday Next Session Begins November 24, 2024 1-3:30 pm on Zoom Learn the 13 kyong/chakra system of the tlish diyan, how to utilize journeywork, crystals with ancient vas pesh - Rom Gypsy HandWalking, to facilitate and maintain health. No experience required! |
5-Day WiseWoman