The diiyin (spirit person) is one who is set apart from their contemporaries by the nature of their special connection and insights. As a young girl, Maria Yracébûrû was physically different and was recognized "by the light radiating from her eyes," as Apache Elder Mr. Slim Coyote Thompson observed. By and large, her charge was inherited from her grandfather Juan Ten Bears Yraceburu, a great warrior turned holyman himself. While Ten Bears had the authority to initiate Maria into the secrets of the tradition, this was done with the understanding that Maria had already been made aware of her destiny by way of visionary contact with her Guides and Ancestors.
As a would-be diiyin, Maria underwent an initiation that consisted of a near death experience designed by the Snake Clan Guardian, accompanied by prolonged training in the wilderness. The initiation continued under Ten Bears guidance. Finer details in the arts of storytelling, stalking power, energy reading, healing techniques, ceremony and star charting, were all taught to her. These were, and are the more practical aspects of her craft and underlie the important social contribution the woman makes to her community in the role of diiyin. They do not, however, convey fully the spiritual metamorphosis she has undergone in her pursuit of the sacredness associated with the Path of Beauty she walks.
Maria is often called upon for lich'i' odaach'idii - voluntary co-creation - by Spirit Guides and Ancestors, alike, the result being a discernment of images by way of an interior presence that produces words of extreme power in their capacity of love. She has nurtured, and developed, this connection during the ritual action that makes a difference between a world of chaotic fear - and a world that is continually revitalizing...
Maria is the descendent of Nochaydelklinne, Apache Dreamer and Prophet who, over a century ago, brought forth visions of the current changing times of evolution. Maria gives her time unstintingly in service to others and has been the inspiration for a variety of service projects staffed by her students. Yracébûrû EarthWisdom was formed in 2001 by her students and family.
My life is simple. All I have are my relations. If you wish to live as I do, and follow Sacred Law - a living life belief system - I will share with you. You will bond with All That Is and feel the heart beat of the sacred Changing Mother. Then will come happiness and peace. – Maria Yracébûrû
Maria is bound by the Guardian's Code of Honor and lives by Sacred Law to complete her path. She has been gifted with the knowledge of sacredness and lives in a good and responsible way, for she remembers and has faith in this sacredness, and it is with her that a family's lineage continues.
A well known writer, Maria interweaves the inspired teachings of Ten Bears with a veritable encyclopedia of rare knowledge, showing how everyone can bring to vivid life the beauty and power of this natural way, and bring new hope for the future. Her most important work to date, in addition to this program, which is her passion, is her compilation of the LEGENDS AND PROPHECIES OF THE QUERO APACHE (Inner Traditions International / Bear & Co., 2002). Her articles on philosophy, spirituality, and ancient lifeways have been published in 75 countries. Maria's book sales benefit Yracébûrû EarthWisdom. To this day 25 books have been published.
In her presence it is evident that she has found a way to be at peace within these confusing times of world change. Her teachings, her actions, and more importantly, her example communicate the realization that this peace is available to each of us, if only we make the commitment.