Our reputation for the extraordinary is characterized by the exceptional commitment for which Yraceburu EarthWisdom is renowned. Tracked, crafted, contained and seasoned under the Sacred Laws of Changing Mother Earth, the cyclic activities are delivered to the energetic specifications of Spirit and All Our Relations. For every life expression, the quality of the relationship is largely dependent on the quality of the commitment it is matured in, as well as the quality of our 'family' community distilled from love, support and empowerment. With up to 80% of Yraceburu EarthWisdoms’s final character and destiny determined by dream quality, the message is the most prominent factor in ensuring and delivering the quality and style of our teachings.
Linda Star Wolf
Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo
Uncle Kilipaka Ontai
Vicki Noble
Dr. Alberto Villolodo & Marcela Lobos
Arlene Magarian
Copperwoman Saso
Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona
Julie Tumamait-Stenslie
Penny Livingston-Stark
Terri Tall Tree
Luzclara Camus
Renee Baribeau
Karen Aguiar
Luis Condor Mejia (Luchor)
Stargazer Li
Trish Gallagher
Joan Ocean
Grandmother Dona Green
Letecia Layson
Those that Walked Before
We honor our Elders that have supported our work through the years, that have transitioned to the other side.
the late Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma
the late Woody Bailey
the late Grams Twylah Nitsch
the late Kahuna Kalei'iliahi
the late Will Sampson
the late Matthew King
the late Dr. Sharron Stroud
the late Grandmother Juliette de Bairacli Levy
the late Rolling Thunder
the late Don MIguel Quispe
the late Sun Bear
the late Don Benito Qoriwaman
the late Dakota Wolf with Lou Diamond Phillips
the late Jamie Sams
the late Layne Redmond
Eagle Man Ed Magaa
Yracébûrû EarthWisdom Mailing Address: 1672 Main St. #E244 Ramona, CA 92065 Follow Us:
earth wisdom
native american
earth ways
a smudging prayer
autumn equinox ceremony
blessing ritual
blessingway ceremony
burning ceremony prayer
burning sage smudging ceremony
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the smudging ceremony
the smudging prayer
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woman's healing retreat
Keyword Text
a smudging prayer
autumn equinox ceremony
blessing ritual
blessingway ceremony
burning ceremony prayer
burning sage smudging ceremony
butterfly garden
candle burning ceremony
ceremonies for winter solstice
ceremonies rituals
cleansing ceremony
cleansing ceremony for home
cleansing ceremony meaning
cleansing smudging prayer
dark moon ceremony
detox bath ceremony
distant healing
energy work
equine therapy
equinox ceremony
essence oils
fall equinox ceremony
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fire ceremony prayer
fire rituals ceremonies
friendship rituals ceremonies
full moon candle ceremony
full moon ceremony near me
full moon fire ceremony
full moon smudging prayer
funeral ceremony
great new moon ceremony
gypsy oracle
hawaiian cleansing ceremony
healing ceremonies and rituals
healing ceremony
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house cleansing ceremony
house smudging prayer
immersion camp
indigenous fire ceremony
indigenous smudging ceremony
indigenous smudging prayer
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initiation ceremony christianity
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lineage keeper
lunar cycle rituals
marriage rite
marriage rite
marriage rites meaning
marriage rituals
medicine wheel
moon lodge
moon quest
native american cleansing ceremony
native american purification ceremony
native american rituals and ceremonies
native american rituals for healing
native american sacred fire ceremony
native american sage ritual
native american sage smudging
native american shaman rituals
native american smoke ceremony
native american smoke ritual
native american smudging ceremony prayer
native american smudging prayer for home
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rituals and ceremonies
rituals and ceremonies
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sacred marriage ritual
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sage smudging ceremony
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sage smudging prayer
saging ceremony
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shamanic ceremony
shamanic fire ceremony
shamanic healing ceremony
shamanic water ceremony
shamanism rituals and ceremonies
short smudging prayer
simple smudging prayer
smoke cleansing ceremony
smudge rituals and prayers
smudging a new home prayer
smudging a person
smudging a person prayer
smudging and blessings
smudging blessing
smudging ceremony
smudging ceremony prayer
smudging prayer for home
smudging prayer for home and self
smudging prayer for love
smudging prayer for negative energy
smudging prayer for new home
smudging prayer for person
smudging prayer for positive energy
smudging prayer for self and home
smudging prayer to cleanse home
smudging prayer to get rid of negative energy
smudging prayer to remove spirits
smudging prayer with palo santo
smudging prayers
smudging prayers for a person
smudging prayers for healing
smudging ritual prayer
solstice ceremonies
spiritual cleansing ceremony
spring equinox ceremony
sun lodge
sweetgrass smudging ceremony
sweetgrass smudging prayer
the rite ceremony
the smudging ceremony
the smudging prayer
traditional oral teaching
vas pesh
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audio downloads
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wedding rite of marriage
wedding rituals
white sage ceremony
white sage smudging prayer
woman's healing retreat